Relight your fire

Are you ready to wonder? Add a surprising touch to your interior with Wanderlights

Let’s wander!

Wanderlights are designer candles like you’ve never seen before; floating on their wick, made from an authentic recipe, and color palettes you can only dream about. An innovative concept for design lovers who want to be amazed, every day.

The collection

From €109


The fire-resistant wick does not burn out, causing the candle to float

Long burning time

Due to the long burning time, a Wanderlight lasts 4 to 6 months


Soot adheres to the wick, preventing it from polluting the air

How it works

“It is magical that the wick keeps the candles burning and does not burn out itself. Everyone who visits and sees it for the first time looks at it in amazement!”

– Merel

About Wanderlights

Productieproces: het gieten van de Wanderlights kaarsen in mallen

Originated from a creative and enterprising design heart, designed by Paulien Berendsen, co-founder of IXXI, design agency Studio Parade and furniture brand Vrienden.

Paulien Berendsen werkt in haar studio de handgemaakte kaarsen af

As a designer, Paulien questions the function and experience of existing products: how can they work differently or be more sustainable? Her search for an answer and a special design began with the provocative question, ‘can a candle hang from its wick?’

Productieproces van de handgemaakte design kaarsen van Wanderlights

The colors, diameters, and recipe of Wanderlights have been developed in collaboration with various manufacturers. The collection is handmade with love and care in Paulien’s studio.

Het in elkaar zetten van een Wanderlight design kaars
